Management Bodies

The General Meeting of the TMA members is the supreme management body of the Association. Meetings are held at least twice a year, where TMA members are represented by their authorized representatives.
TMA General Meeting
The competence of the General Meeting includes, in particular, the following issues:
- introduction of amendments to the Charter of the Association;
- determination of the priority directions of activity of the Association;
- election of the executive bodies of the Association - its Board and Executive Director;
- decision on admission of members to the Association;
- decision on the procedure of determining the amount and method of payment of admission, regular membership and target fees;
- approval of annual reports and annual balance sheets of the Association.

The Board of the TMA is a permanent collegiate executive management body, which exercises control over the TMA in between General Meetings.
TMA Board
The Chairman and members of the Board are elected at the General Meeting for a term of 3 years from the representatives of the TMA members. The Meetings of the Board are held as and when necessary but at least once half a year.
The competence of the Board includes, in particular, the following issues:
- assessment of the results of the Association's activity;
- reviewing the activity programs of the Association;
- convocation of regular and extraordinary General Meetings;
- approval of the financial plan of the Association and introduction of amendments to it;
- submitting the annual report for the approval of the General Meeting;
- development and adoption of internal regulations of the Association.

TMA Executive Director - Nadezhda Churmeeva
Executive Director
The Executive Director is elected by the General Meeting for the term of 3 years and is accountable to the Board of the TMA and the General Meeting of the Association's members. Responsibilities of the Executive Director of the TMA:
- carries out the general current management of the Association's activity;
- without any power of attorney, acts on behalf of the Association, inter alia represents it in all state bodies, institutions, companies of different forms of ownership, judicial organs on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
- arranges the preparation of decisions of the Board and presents reports on their implementation;
- provides for the implementation of the Charter, and General Meeting's and Board's decisions by the Association members;
- arranges the accounting and reporting of the Association, bears responsibility for their accuracy and timely delivery;
- exercises different functions by order of the General Meeting and the Board.