Minprirody has developed amendments to the Provision on the Declaration of Goods subject to Recycling

On the official website for posting information on preparing regulatory legal acts and the results of their discussion (, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia issued a draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Amendments to the Provisions on Declaring by Producers, Importers of Goods subject to Recycling, the number of finished goods, including packaging released for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation for the previous calendar year”(Resolution No. 1417 dated December 24, 2015 of the Government of the Russian Federation).

The amendments, developed by the Ministry, concern the execution of the extended responsibility of producers and importers of various goods, including tyres, to ensure waste disposal from their use, which was introduced in Russia on January 1, 2015.

Public discussions will end on May 16, 2017.