Since 2021, the mandatory tyre marking by identification means has been fully in force in the Russian Federation. Tyre marking was introduced as part of a comprehensive system of consumer goods digital marking being created in Russia, which should cover a wide range of goods according to government plans and is seen as an additional mechanism applied to protect the market from counterfeit goods. The operator of the Russian digital marking system is Operator-CRPT LLC.
The new requirement is applied to all categories of tyres with the exception of bicycle, aircraft, solid tyres and retreaded tyres. Each tyre shall have a mandatory mark containing a Data Matrix code, which has a unique tyre number encrypted using the Russian cryptographic technology. All codes are generated by CRPT at the request of circulation participants and cost 50 kopecks (excluding VAT) each. When purchasing a marked tyre in a store a customer is able to obtain information about each tyre and verify its current owner (store) by scanning the Data Matrix code using the Chestny ZNAK mobile app.
Introduction of mandatory marking required serious preparation of all participants of tyre products circulation, from importers and manufacturers to retail stores. Every participant is registered in the state information system for monitoring the circulation of goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification means (GIS MT), developed by CRPT, and must established rapid exchange of information with the system using electronic document management (EDM) means. With the introduction of mandatory marking of tyre products tyre market participants are obliged to promptly submit to GIS MT information about all operations with tyres: import, production, sale and purchase of marked tyres, sales to end users - individuals or legal entities.
In addition, preparation for introduction of mandatory tyre marking required purchase and implementation of necessary equipment, restructuring of many processes in production, logistics, customer relations, but most importantly - establishment of automatic exchange of information between companies and GIS MT. Automation of processes is vital for tyre manufacturers and importers, as well as large wholesale dealers, since they have to ship large volumes of goods. Dealers and distributors faced an equally challenging task since the tyre market lacks the practice of barcoding for inventory purposes and there was no practice of goods scanning at the cash register. They also needed to restructure business processes, train employees, purchase necessary equipment, develop and implement the necessary software.
Considering Russia’s membership in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), other member countries may decide to join the procedure for marking of tyres in accordance with the Agreement on Marking of Goods by Identification Means in the EAEU. Since December 2021, the Republic of Belarus has joined the tyre marking system.
Currently, the activities of the TMA in the field of mandatory tyre marking are focused on the following issues:
- Monitoring and improving (if necessary) the current legislation in terms of suppressing gray schemes for introducing tyres into circulation and circumventing tyre marking requirements.
- Expanding the list of information on the turnover of their own products that tyre manufacturers can receive from the GIS MT, and contributing to the accuracy of GIS MT data on the tyre market.
- Participating in the discussion and implementation of initiatives for the development of the tyre marking system.
You can register in GIS MT at:
You can find useful CRPT materials and instructions for participants of tyre circulation processes on the Operator’s website: https://честныйзнак.рф/business/projects/tyres/.